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How does enzyme fermentation work?

The green coffee beans are first washed in a 50 enzyme complex so the enzymes can attach to the beans. The green beans are then put into an incubator to ferment at a fixed temperature. They are mixed as needed to ensure each bean is evenly fermented. Once fermentation is complete, the green beans are exported from South Korea to the USA. And roasted by DAYES Coffee to bring out its best flavor.

Why is DAYES Enzyme Fermented Coffee pricier than other coffees?

The enzyme fermentation process does add to the cost of the coffee. Currently we ferment the coffee in South Korea before shipping it to the USA to be roasted at our coffee shop. Unfortunately there is no enzyme fermentation facility in America where we can process our coffee. However, we are working hard on building our own facility and hope to move the fermentation process to the USA by the end of this year (2023). 

In addition, we roast the coffee in small batches. And we have a coffee roaster who closely monitors each batch to bring out the best flavor for each batch of coffee. 

We also use 100% Arabica - Grade 1 coffee beans, also known as Specialty Grade. This is the highest grade of beans you can purchase on the market. 

We use a blend of Brazil Mogiana, Colombia Supremo, and Guatamala Antigua beans. All three are very good beans that are popular among premium coffee drinkers. 

Stay tuned as in the future we will be releasing other blends that are at a friendlier price point as well. For those who are not particularly in need of the special health benefits the enzyme fermented coffee offers. 

Do you sell K-cups? 

Unfortunately, we do not have K-cups available as we pack our coffee in our coffee shop. However, many of our customers use a reusable K-cup so they can fill it with any ground coffee. You can purchase one here.

Why is your coffee not organic?

We currently do not use organic coffee beans for our enzyme fermented coffee. There are a few reasons for this. One is that organic beans tend to vary in flavor, which affects the consistency and results of enzyme fermentation. That means organic beans coming from the same farm may taste quite different depending on the batch.

Secondly, as we currently still ferment the coffee beans in South Korea, the cost of using organic beans would require us to raise the price of the coffee significantly, as we have to ship the beans to South Korea to be fermented, before shipping back to the USA to be roasted. Since we have been in business since early 2022,, we are refining and perfecting many aspects of our supply chain and operations. So we hope to offer more options for our customers in the future.

To ensure the minimal amount of pesticides are used on DAYES Coffee. We have chosen 100% Specialty Grade Arabica beans. Arabic beans are grown at more than 1,200m above sea level. Due to the alpine conditions, much less pesticides are needed as there are fewer insects and organisms that affect the coffee crop.

Also, we have chosen to use grade 1 coffee beans (also known as specialty grade). This is the highest grade of coffee beans you can buy on the market. While most coffee shops and grocery store coffee brands use Grade 2 or 3 beans. We have chosen to increase our costs but give our customers a higher quality coffee. Grade 1 beans go through a rigorous quality control process.

A quote from The Specialty Coffee Company Website

"Specialty coffee is defined as any coffee that scores above 80 points on a 100 point scale. Typically, specialty coffee is grown at high altitudes, with much care and attention from the farmer. From there, it is sold at a premium to coffee traders, or direct to roasters.The roasters then create custom profiles for each coffee, enhancing and highlighting their natural flavors. Baristas then use the carefully grown and roasted coffee to produce quality beverages, often with high precision and specialized equipment."

Do you do mold testing on your coffee?

Yes we do! We have our own in house mycotoxin testing equipment that allows us to take samples from each batch of fermented coffee to ensure that no mycotoxins are found. So far all our tests reveal no traces of mycotoxins. 

We have also done 3rd party testing in Korea that showed the coffee is mycotoxin free. 

How much caffeine is in DAYES enzyme fermented coffee?

Our analysis of two different batches of DAYES Coffee shows our enzyme fermented coffee has between 85.91% to 92.60% less caffeine than regular coffee. 

For reference an 8 oz cup of regular coffee, caffeine content is about (depending on the coffee) 95mg, in comparison DAYES enzyme fermented coffee would have about 11.4mg of caffeine. 

What enzymes do you use in the fermentation process?

The enzyme process is patented and developed from fermentation traditions in Korea. Due to the proprietary nature of the process, the details are confidential. However, we can share with you the general steps that are involved. 

The green coffee beans are first washed in a 50 enzyme complex. This is for a short time only, just enough for the enzyme to attach to the beans.

 The green beans are then put into an incubator to ferment - at a fixed temperature. They are mixed evenly as needed. The slow mixing makes the fermentation process more efficient. 

Once fermentation is complete, the green beans are exported from South Korea to the USA. And roasted by Dayes Coffee to bring out its best flavor.

How do I brew DAYES Enzyme Fermented Coffee?

The brewing process is different for each person depending on the coffee making equipment you use at home. Please see our home brewing guide here. It covers the most popular brewing methods written by our roastmaster Dr. Grant Lee.

How do I store DAYES Coffee so it stays fresh?

To keep coffee fresh - minimize exposure to oxygen, sunlight, moisture, and high temperatures. 

Option 1: When you receive your DAYES Coffee, keep it in the original packaging but place it in a cool, dry place. There is a degassing valve in the packaging that prevents oxygen from getting in and removes carbon dioxide. The packaging also naturally blocks out light. 

Option 2: Store your coffee in an specialized air tight coffee container that’s opaque to prevent sunlight from entering. 

Why is there air inside my DAYES Coffee packaging?

Because DAYES coffee is roasted fresh. The packaging is not vacuum-packed to allow the beans to degas and expel carbon dioxide. Degassing helps develop the best taste for the coffee. The special valve on the packaging ensures that carbon dioxide is expelled and oxygen does not enter.

Vacuum-packed beans are typically not freshly roasted and already degassed before packaging. 

Do you offer a dark roast?

Our coffee roasting philosophy 
is that we don’t roast our coffees past medium dark roast (also known as Full City roast). This is because Dr. Grant Lee, the founder of DAYES Coffee, is a retired cancer pathologist. He believes roasting the coffee to dark roast (French roast) burns the coffee beans, and eating burned foods could be harmful to our health.

Where is your roasting facility located?

28 North St, 1st FL, Middletown, NY 10940 is the address of our coffee shop. At the back of our cafe we roast the coffee in small batches to ensure maximum freshness.

When did DAYES Coffee first open in America?

DAYES Coffee Cafe had their official Grand Opening on February 9, 2022 in Middletown, NY.