Roasting Our Coffee

Our Philosophy 

At DAYES Coffee we believe in roasting coffee for good health. We only roast our coffees up to medium-dark. When coffee beans are burnt and charred, harmful carcinogenic chemicals are produced. We make sure to roast our beans just right so it is safe, healthy, and delicious.  

Our Roasting Team 

Photo: Right-Mr. Heechul Kim, Left - Dr. Grant Lee 

Choosing Specialty Grade Coffee Beans

We only use premium Grade quality, 100% Arabica beans. Arabica coffee is grown at high elevations, reducing the need for pesticides. Premium Grade quality beans are inspected for mold, reducing the risk of toxins being introduced to your coffee. Using low grade beans, although cheaper,  increases the risk of introducing rotten or moldy beans into your coffee.

We source Arabica beans around the world and roast them to bring out their character, so you get that smooth, full-flavor coffee every time. 

Our Roaster

We proudly feature the American-made Loring Smart Roaster S15 Falcon. With the S15 Falcon, we get the flexibility of roasting anywhere from a 15 kg large batch to 3 kg custom roasts. The built-in touch screen control panel allows our roast-master to customize and save every roast profile to ensure your coffee is consistent cup after cup.

Batch Flexibility

At DAYES, we can roast anywhere between 20%-100% of batch capacity with consistent results. This allows us to explore new flavor profiles. We are also able to keep batches small to make sure our customers receive freshly roasted coffee. 

Finding the Perfect Character 

We first develop the target aroma and taste profile of the coffee we are about to create. Then we roast the specific beans at medium level and adjust the proportions until we find the perfect character for that blend. This results in a sweet, bright, and balanced aftertaste.



Try DAYES’ special coffee and taste the full-flavor difference for yourself!